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About the  Owner of
You Are Worthy 

My journey

I am absolutely passionate about helping others find their inner and outer beauty! Through the amazing art of microblading, I have witnessed my clients leave with a radiance of confidence. A few years ago, I was striving to improve my microblading skills; I wanted my clients to be 100% happy, and Phibrows Academy helped me complete my goals. Receiving my certification there was a life changing decision; I am so grateful to have become a Phibrows Artist! Schooling was very intense and challenging; it took many dedicated days of practicing and hard work; the standards are high and the quality of the products and training is the BEST! Through my meticulous training and guidance of my instructor, my skills were improved tremendously at Phibrows Academy. I have been filled with confidence knowing my artistry in precise hair strokes; will leave every one of my clients overjoyed, pleased and beautiful! THIS is my why; it’s why I love what I do; helping give back confidence, building self-esteem and seeing some beautiful big smiles!


I am also very passionate about helping other women in victimized situations and paying it forward.  I am not proud to say I was a victim of domestic violence, but I am proud to say that I am a survivor and very grateful to be alive after being left for dead and fought for my life many times!  I was involved in extremely violent relationships. By the Grace of God, I miraculously survived many battles. I firmly believe God preserved my life several times in order for me to help others survive.

Because of my life experiences and victories over hopeless situations, my heart goes out to women, children and anyone who are still suffering mental, physical and emotional abuse.

At one point in my life, my past came back to haunt me, despite the fact that I had moved on to a better lifestyle and was married with children! I was incarcerated por pendeja ( for my ignorance) and vulnerability in my past unhealthy relationships, that naively lead me into law breaking decisions. At the time, I was pursuing my dream of becoming a registered nurse; a career in the medical field ,medical field was all I ever knew and desired. I lost it all. I ruined my whole future my career in the medical field by being oblivious, vulnerable and blind to the lifestyle and decisions I made while being involved with my bad choice of men. After the man I was involved with was incarcerated, he and his cellmate had me turn on a landline in the identification of his cellmate. I had no idea the trouble and heartache that naive decision would bring me. I was charged with trafficking the identity of another and identity theft. I was facing five years, but gracefully served a year for this ignorance.  When I was incarcerated, I wanted to end my life; I could not forgive myself for this ignorant move of mine. Thinking of  my kids was my strength and God reminded me He was with me in my darkest suicidal moments. Isaiah 41:10 don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.



Life after that year, would forever change the path I had always desired in the medical field. The state board of nursing would not renew my certification; and if I finished school for registered nurse the stateboard would not issues my license. I had many depressed nights. The road of job searching was tiring and hopeless the feeling of despair was so awful having a felony on my record felt like the end of my world. After many disheartening interviews, I then attempted Goodwill; and even they refused me. 

This burden was not something I could live with, but because of my children and husband I could not give up. Even when I felt worthless, I will never forget that still small voice telling me, "You are worthy for so much more, This was one of the scriptures that helped me when my head was down low ,many tears of feeling unworthy.

 He is the lifter of my head {Psalm 3:3 But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.)

when I would feel so unworthy My husband and kids were also my encouragement. 

This is the path that led up to how I got involved in the beauty industry of microblading. I was so inspired by the transformation of the art, that it moved me to take interest into it. When I was younger, I had always dreamed of going to college for the beauty industry. I always loved makeup and beauty, but as I grew, the medical field was the path I chose, which unfortunately ended, but God is so good at using all things for the GOOD. Romans 8:28


With the career goal of microblading in mind, I was confident knowing this was something I could flourish in. The next step in achieving my dream was to save as much as possible to invest into myself. Gratefully, I was hired at a doctor’s office, but because of my felony, he did not pay me my worth. Along with the emotional and financial support of my husband, we saved enough for me to attend the professional schooling at Phibrows Academy; to further my education with the art of microblading then I hired myself and created work . I started taking in clients in the corner if my house then I saved for a commercial property.

I now wear many hats in my beauty studio that has grown into a boutique.

I am living proof that God can turn every bad thing for Good! 

I believe in change for those who really want it and I have hope for those who have lost hope! Why?! Because, there is a God who loves us! His love is transformational; miracle! If He healed and changed my life, He can do it for anyone. 🦋 It is a miracle I am here today! I am so grateful for life and the peace and healing from my past burdens. I thank God every day for breathing life into me when I was lifeless, blessing me with the desires of my heart, my family, my career  and the passion to help others.

Today, I am married to a loving man who treats me like a queen, who loves me for who I am, and most of all, loves my kids unconditionally as his own! My husband and I have been in a healthy relationship for the past 14years! 💜 💜

This is just a glimpse of my story and history behind the reason why I am so passionate about what I currently do and what I will do in the future. When you come to our business, you are supporting our vision. A percentage of profits will ALWAYS go toward helping women in need! As long as I live, I will always help others. Even if I am only impacting one person; that is truly a success.


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